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  • Writer's pictureTeddie Little

Living a life without mental limitations 

Did you ever believe someone’s else’s distorted version of reality? I did...pretty much my whole life

Not pretty enough.

Not clever enough.

Not sexually pure enough.

You’ll be left on the shelf.

You’re Weird.

You can’t sing.

You’re too deep.

Get me right when I say - I still have a LOT to learn and I work on myself daily to understand myself and others more. The more I learn about myself, the better I can support and love others, and collectively the more we can support and heal each other.

Over the years I have learnt to gain compassion and understanding for those who have hurt me, even when it was unintentional and subconsciously.

Those who live with limiting beliefs.
Those who have fears.
Those who have pushed their own pains and insecurities onto me.
Those who did their best with the knowledge and insight they had.

There can also be a fine line between having compassion and making excuses for the person who may have hurt you, so it is insightful to learn from what pace are you coming from when you feel compassion.

Someone else’s version of reality, theirs and yours is not always necessarily true and the perception of each person is vastly different, depending on their program which had been built very early on in their life.

However please remember - It is not your version and It does not translate to the truth.

Digging deeper and finding your own truth can sometimes feel scary, daunting and you may feel a little lost if you have been believing someone else version for a very long time.

I encourage you to Fall in love with yourself, with all your beauty. You may believe you have flaws, but do you? Or did someone or society write your script that gave you a false sense of security around what you are not?

What you believe to be your flaws, someone else may view them as unique beauty and you are here to live out your passions and dreams with self-belief and happiness so bugger anyone who is gonna come in-between that!

You can be whatever you want to be baby.

You do whatever you wish to do.

You have it all within you.

You have to stop listening to the people who have not dealt with and healed their own Traumas.

You have to believe in you.

Only you got you.

And you are PERFECT + MAGICAL just the way you are.

Teddies Top Tips :

  1. Take 3 deep breaths with your left hand on your heart.

  2. Repeat after me - ‘I am beautiful and I will access it and feel it’

  3. Clever is measured on society’s curriculum- find your zone of genius and you will be genius.

  4. Love who you wish to love when you want to love. Love is love. (Stay safe)

  5. As long as you have you, you won’t be left anywhere.

  6. Embrace your weirdness and deepness- that makes you unique.

  7. There is no such word as can’t - delete it from your vocabulary.

  8. Only hurt people hurt people.

  9. Healing people heal people.

  10. Remember Teddie loves you and has your back.

If you would like to continue our #Teddietalks together, need some further support or just have a question then please feel free to reach out to me at any time here.

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